Vintage Posters Reimagined

Gift Cards

EV Digital Gift Cards

EV Digital Gift Cards

from $20.00

Purchasing this digital gift card creates a unique code. The gift card recipient can enter this code at checkout to subtract the gift card value from their order total.

  • Electric Vector doesn’t create or ship physical gift cards.

  • When used at checkout, a gift card’s value is subtracted from the order total. This includes taxes and shipping.

  • Gift cards never expire.

  • When purchasing a gift card, the buyer will go directly to checkout after clicking Purchase.

  • Gift Cards must be purchased separately from other items.

Gift cards apply to the order total, including tax, shipping, and any transaction fees. If the order total exceeds the gift card value, they'll pay the remaining amount using your store's supported payment methods or another gift card.
If their order total is less than the gift card value, they can complete checkout without another payment method. The amount applied and remaining value, displays in the gray box and in the order receipt.
